Box for Prints
Personalized box for prints

from 19 GBP
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Holiday xmas sale with code joy25
Photo box 23x15cm or 15x10cm in gray Ashen canvas
High-end photo box: 9x6" or 6x4"
Personalization, printing on the photo box
Personalized the way you want - choose a pattern and name your collection
Stylish box, photo packaging
Solid, finished with high-quality canvas with a visible weave, in a shade of warm gray
Box for art prints
Aesthetic, comfortable and, above all, safe for your photos
Box for photos and prints 15x23cm
The perfect DUO with Art Matte Prints and Premium Photo Prints
Packaging for postcards
The box also holds up to 30 Postcards
from 19 GBP
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Price list of box for prints
Size Product price Personalization price
6x4" 22€ / 19£ 8€ / 7£
9x6" 32€ / 28£ 8€ / 7£